Rejuvenate Your Jawline: Sagging Jowls Solutions

Get rid of sagging jowls with LPA’s treatments to tighten your jawline and rejuvenate your appearance.

Understanding Saggy Jowls: Causes and Impacts

Saggy jowls are a common concern for many, particularly as we age. This condition involves the sagging of skin along the jawline, resulting in a less defined facial profile. Understanding the causes and impacts of saggy jowls is the first step towards finding an effective treatment.

Causes of Saggy Jowls:

  1. Ageing: Our skin loses collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness as we age. This loss leads to natural skin sagging, including in the jowl area. The whole process originates in the upper face. Fat pads in the cheek area start to descend, creating increased nose to mouth lines or nasolabial folds. This volume loss leads on to marionette lines, or the lines that start at the corners of the mouth, volume loss and sagginess occur around the mouth, finally affecting the jawline itself, creating pre-jowls and jowls.
  2. Genetics: Genetic predisposition plays a significant role. If your parents developed jowls, you might also be more likely to experience them. The way in which our parents age very much maps out our likely pathway as we get older.
  3. Lifestyle Factors: Sun exposure, smoking, and weight fluctuations can impact skin elasticity. Sun damage, in particular, accelerates collagen breakdown, leading to premature sagging.
  4. Facial Expressions: Frequently making certain facial expressions can stretch the skin and contribute to sagging over time.

Impacts of Saggy Jowls

Saggy jowls can alter the overall appearance of your face, affecting the contours of your jawline and chin. This change can impact self-esteem and how individuals perceive their facial aesthetics. Additionally, sagging jowls may make individuals appear older than they are, or even more miserable than they are, which can be a concern for those looking to maintain a youthful appearance.

Understanding these causes and impacts is crucial in selecting the most appropriate treatment to address saggy jowls effectively. At our clinic, we offer various treatments tailored to address these concerns, helping restore a more youthful jawline and improve overall facial harmony. 

PDO Threads: A Revolutionary Approach to Lifting Saggy Jowls

Polydioxanone (PDO) threads offer a cutting-edge, non-surgical solution to the challenge of saggy jowls, marking a significant advancement in cosmetic treatments for facial sagging. This minimally invasive procedure is designed to lift and tighten the sagging skin around the jawline, providing a more youthful and contoured appearance.

How PDO Threads Work:

  1. Mechanism: PDO threads are fine, absorbable threads that are gently inserted under the skin. They may be inserted into the mid-face area the jaw or both. Once in place, they act as a scaffold, lifting the sagging skin and also stimulating new collagen production enhancing lift even further.
  2. Collagen Stimulation: The insertion of PDO threads triggers the body’s natural healing response, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the treated area. This results in gradual skin tightening and rejuvenation over time.
  3. Immediate and Long-term Results: While the lifting effect is noticeable immediately after treatment, the collagen-building process ensures continued improvement in skin texture and firmness in the following months as the threads start to dissolve.

Benefits of PDO Threads for Saggy Jowls:

  • Minimally Invasive: Unlike a traditional facelift, PDO thread lifts do not require extensive surgery, making them an appealing option for those seeking less invasive treatments.
  • Short Recovery Time: The procedure involves minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to their normal activities relatively quickly.
  • Natural-Looking Results: PDO threads offer a natural-looking lift, avoiding the overstretched look that can sometimes result from surgical face lifts.
  • Customizable: The treatment can be tailored to address the specific degree of sagging and desired aesthetic outcomes.

At our clinic, PDO thread treatments are performed by experienced practitioners who specialize in facial aesthetics. We ensure that the procedure is conducted with the utmost care and precision, aiming for results that enhance your natural beauty. 

The Role of Dermal Fillers in Jowl Treatment

Dermal fillers play a significant role in addressing saggy jowls, offering a versatile and effective solution for those seeking a more defined jawline and youthful appearance. These injectable treatments can effectively combat the signs of ageing in the lower face, providing an immediate lift and enhancing facial contours. The appearance of jowls is usually not the first sign of ageing-related volume loss. The skin ages in many different ways, in the upper face this is mainly due to the activity of the muscles which is helped by the use of Botox. The mid portion to lower part of the face including the chin and jawline results from loss of volume and loss of elasticity resulting in saggy skin which appears less plump, affected by the pull of gravity causing a flatter less defined look. When considering options for treating sagging jowls, we will often encourage treatment in the midface also. This approach provides lifting of the lower face and structural support to enable effective treatment for sagging jowls. Addressing mid-face volume loss before it results in the development of jowls is the best treatment to help prevent the appearance of sagging jowls from forming in the first place.

How Dermal Fillers Work for Jowls:

  1. Volume Restoration: Dermal fillers, (main ingredient- hyaluronic acid), are injected directly into targeted areas around the jowls. They work by restoring lost volume, which can help lift and diminish the appearance of sagging skin.
  2. Contouring the Jawline: By strategically placing fillers in specific areas, practitioners can sculpt and define the jawline, reducing the prominence of jowls and leading to a more contoured facial profile.
  3. Stimulating Collagen Production: Beyond providing immediate volume, we know that dermal fillers also stimulate natural collagen production, offering longer-lasting skin firmness and elasticity.

Benefits of Using Dermal Fillers for Saggy Jowls:

  • Non-Surgical Approach: Dermal fillers offer a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures, with minimal downtime and immediate results.
  • Customized Treatments: The amount and type of filler used can be customized based on individual facial structures and aesthetic goals, ensuring a natural and harmonious result.
  • Safety and Efficacy: Made from substances that are biocompatible to the body, dermal fillers have a strong safety profile and are effective in treating a range of ageing signs, including saggy jowls.

At our clinic, dermal fillers are administered by experienced professionals who understand the nuances of facial anatomy. We carefully assess each patient’s needs during an in-depth consultation and recommend a treatment plan that aligns with their specific concerns and goals.

Combining PDO Threads with Dermal Fillers for Enhanced Results

For comprehensive rejuvenation and more pronounced results in treating saggy jowls, combining PDO threads with dermal fillers is an increasingly popular approach. This synergistic treatment plan utilizes the lifting power of PDO threads alongside the volumizing effect of dermal fillers, offering a multi-dimensional approach to facial rejuvenation.

How the Combination Works:

  1. Lifting and Tightening: PDO threads provide the necessary lift and encourage collagen production, which tightens the sagging jowls and improves the overall structure of the lower face.
  2. Volume and Contouring: Dermal fillers add volume where it has been lost due to ageing, particularly along the jawline and in the chin area. They also help in fine-tuning the contour and shape of the face, complementing the lifting effect of the PDO threads.
  3. Tailored Treatment: Each treatment is carefully planned and executed to ensure that the lifting from the PDO threads and the volume from the fillers work harmoniously, achieving a natural, youthful look.

Benefits of the Combined Approach:

  • Enhanced Results: By addressing saggy jowls from multiple angles, the combined approach often yields more significant and satisfying results.
  • Balanced and Natural Appearance: The dual action of lifting and adding volume helps in achieving a balanced facial appearance without the need for invasive surgery.
  • Longer Lasting Effects: The combination of both treatments can lead to longer-lasting results, as they work together to improve the skin’s structure and volume over time.

At our clinic, we specialize in creating customized treatment plans that cater to the unique needs of each patient. By combining PDO threads and dermal fillers, we can address the multifaceted nature of saggy jowls, ensuring that our patients receive the most effective treatment for their specific concerns. 

Skincare and Maintenance Post-Treatment for Long-lasting Results

Post-treatment care plays a crucial role in enhancing and maintaining the results of PDO thread and dermal filler treatments for saggy jowls. Incorporating specific skincare products and adopting certain lifestyle habits can significantly prolong the rejuvenating effects.

1. Skincare Products to Support Treatment Results:

All injectable treatments are best supported and will have maximum impact when delivered to healthy,  well-functioning skin. At LPA, we encourage all our clients to use medical skincare systems that have active ingredients whose purpose is to stimulate skin cell function, resulting in more collagen, elastin and hydration.

  • ZO Firming Serum: This serum is specially formulated to tighten and firm the skin. Its application helps in maintaining the elasticity and firmness achieved through the treatments, ensuring the results last longer.
  • Totally Derma: As a supplement, Totally Derma works from within to boost collagen and elastin production. Its regular use can complement the lifting and volumizing effects of PDO threads and fillers, contributing to overall skin health.

2. Importance of Sun Protection:

  • Protecting the skin from sun exposure is crucial in maintaining the results of the treatments. Excessive sun exposure can break down collagen and elastin, leading to premature sagging. Using a high SPF sunscreen, especially on the face and neck, is recommended to prevent damage.

3. Healthy Lifestyle Choices:

  • Maintaining a stable weight and a balanced diet rich in antioxidants can support skin health. Regular exercise also contributes to overall well-being, which can be reflected in the skin’s appearance.
  • Hydration is key: Drinking plenty of water keeps the skin hydrated and supports the overall health of the skin.

4. Regular Follow-Up Appointments:

  • Regular check-ups with our specialists are important to monitor the progress and maintain the results. These appointments allow for any necessary touch-ups and adjustments to the treatment plan. We encourage all our patients to attend for a full consultation at least annually. The purpose of this appointment is to take time out to review your face and your current treatment plan and ensure that we are meeting the needs of your skin.

5. Additional Maintenance Tips:

  • Avoiding smoking and minimizing alcohol consumption can help preserve the skin’s elasticity and firmness.
  • A healthy balanced diet and a good level of hydration will help to support healthy skin.

At LPA, we believe that the journey to a rejuvenated appearance doesn’t end with the treatment. We provide comprehensive guidance on aftercare and maintenance to ensure our patients enjoy their beautiful results for as long as possible. 

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